If you’re working with Lottie I recommend going as far as to follow them on Github and check the logs, issues and discussions regularly, this is the only place where you’ll get informations (and answers, if you’re lucky)… airbnb/lottie-web/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md # V 5.9. The Loop expression is probably to most used after effects expression, it allows you to repeat your animation forever, with code tweak you can also control. That’s not to say no expression are supported, but this one isn’t. Shorten the time line comp by 1 frame or add that extra frame into the variable loopTime. Hence the time is off and is not going to repeat as you have past the designated time.
You aren’t missing anything, Wiggle is an expression based effect and isn’t yet supported by Lottie. You are off with the length of the composition and time allowed.